WVSHA Constitution
of the
The name of the association shall be the West Virginia Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Inc. (hereinafter called the Association). The acronym of the Association shall be WVSHA. Its principle address shall be that of an officer(s) of the Association as designated by the Executive Board or such other place as designated.
The purpose of the Association shall be to:
- Promote professional growth in speech-language pathology-audiology, and deaf education.
- Stimulate the exchange of information among speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and deaf educators, as well as with members of related professions and agencies.
- Foster the improvement of diagnostic and intervention procedures in the field of communication disorders.
- Encourage the adoption and practice of high professional standards and ethical principles in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and deaf education.
- Assist and encourage promising students to enter the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and deaf education.
- Assist in the recruitment of qualified speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and deaf educators.
- Inform the public about the profession, careers, programs, and services in the field of communication disorders.
- Represent the interests of the membership and individuals with communication disorders before governmental agencies and regulatory bodies.
- Assist individuals with communication disorders in understanding their legal rights with respect to obtaining appropriate speech-language-hearing services.
Section 1. Classes of Membership
There shall be three (3) classes of membership: Professional Members, Associate Members, and Affiliate Members. Membership in the Association shall be open to individuals who qualify for any class of membership. All members of the association shall abide by the WVSHA Code of Ethics. The right to hold elective or appointive office, and the right to vote, shall be limited to Professional Members.
Section 2. Eligibility
A. Professional Member
- Professional Members must hold a graduate degree with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, deaf education, or speech, language, or hearing science; or a graduate degree and present evidence of active research, interest, and performance in the field of human communication.
- The requirements for election as a professional member may be waived in special instances by recommendation of the Committee on Membership and two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.
- Professional Members must agree to abide by the code of ethics of the Association.
- Any professional member who has retired from fulltime employment and who has held membership for the ten consecutive years immediately prior to applying for life membership may apply for and receive life membership with all privileges of a professional member. A life member, who has retired from full time gainful employment or is disabled, may apply for a waiver of annual dues.
- Any professional member who has held membership for ten consecutive years immediately prior to application for life membership and periodically submits satisfactory evidence of total disability may receive life membership with all the privileges of a professional member. Annual dues shall be waived.
B. Associate Member
- Associate members must hold a bachelors degree or its equivalent with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, deaf education, and speech and hearing science; or
- Demonstrate an interest in disorders of communication through his or her area of employment.
C. Affiliate Member
- Affiliate Members must show an interest in and/or pursuit of a degree or equivalent in speech-language pathology, audiology, deaf education or speech and hearing science.
- Members in good standing on April 26, 1980 shall automatically be continued in their assigned classification without further or additional qualification.
Section 3. Application Procedures
All Applications for membership must be submitted to the Committee on Membership according to the procedures established by the Committee on Membership and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Termination of Membership
- Any member who violates the Constitution and /or Code of Ethics of this Association shall be suspended by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board provided the person has been given a written statement of the violation and has been granted the right to appear before the Executive Board.
- Any member who has not submitted payment of dues as stipulated under Article VIII may be dropped from membership in the Association upon recommendation by the Committee on Membership and two-thirds vote of the Executive Board or will be dropped automatically from membership for nonpayment of dues after one month from date of expiration.
- Any member may resign his or her membership in this association.
Section 1. Designation
- The voting members of the Executive Board shall be composed of all elected officers and the councilors to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Legislative Council if said councilors are members of this Association.
- The non-voting members of the Executive Board shall be composed of the immediate Past President, committee chairs, all ASHA liaison positions, representatives of the states’ university’s communication disorders programs, and representatives of the university’s NSSLHA(s).
Section 2. Powers and Duties
The Executive Board shall exercise the general management of the affairs of the Association as directed by the membership. In the event of a time sensitive issue the Executive Board is charged with developing and providing responses to this issue relevant to the stated purpose of this Association. The Executive Board shall constitute the legal body of the Association.
Section 3. Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held four times annually. Additional meetings may be called by the president or a 2/3 approval vote of the voting members of the Executive Board . The vote may be held by the President or President Elect The quorum for all meetings will be 2/3 of the voting members of the Executive Board
Section 1. Designation
- The elected officers of this Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Professional Development, Vice President of Convention Arrangements, Vice President for Public Relations and Publications, Vice President for Governmental Affairs, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- The immediate Past President shall serve as an officer for one year subsequent to his or her term as president.
Section 2. Duties of Voting Members of the Executive Board
- The President shall be the chairman of the Executive Board of the Association. It shall be the responsibility of the president to preside at the annual meeting of the Association and the meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be the ex-officio member of all committees and shall have the power to appoint ad hoc committees and shall delegate the management and responsibilities to the appropriate President-Elect or Vice President. The President shall monitor the honors committee and all ASHA liaison positions.
- The President-Elect shall be directly responsible to the president and the Executive Board and shall assume the responsibility for the preparation and arrangement for the Association’s convention. In the absence of the president, the president elect shall preside over all meetings of the Association. The president elect shall monitor the Ethics Committee, the Long Range Planning Committee, and the Election Committee.
- The Vice President for Membership will monitor the activities of the Membership Committee and the Continuing Education Committee and report to the Executive Board.
- The Vice President for Professional Development will monitor and report to the Executive Board the activities of the following committees; Speech Pathology Affairs, Audiology Affairs, Deaf Education, and Public Schools. The vice president will work with the vice president for convention arrangements for the planning of topics and speakers for the annual convention or workshops.
- The Vice President for Convention Arrangements will monitor the activities of the Convention Planning Committee and report to the Executive Board. Other duties of the vice president will include those designated in the association’s Policy/Procedure Manual.
- The Vice President for Public Relations and Publications will monitor the activities of the Public Relations Committee and the Publications Committee and report to the Executive Board.
- The Vice President for Governmental Affairs will monitor the Governmental Affairs and the STAR committees and report to the Executive Board.
- The Secretary shall record and file the minutes of the annual business meeting and of all meetings of the Executive Board. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the official correspondence of the Association
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monetary matters of the association and shall submit a financial report to the membership at the annual business meeting and each quarter to the Executive Board.
- The legislative councilors to the American Speech Language Hearing Association shall report to the Executive Board issues relevant to ASHA.
Section 3. Duties of Non-Voting Members of the Executive Board
- The Committee Chairs will be responsible for holding meetings of the committee(s) and reporting to the appropriate Vice President prior to the Executive Board meetings. The Committee Chairs may attend Executive Board meetings to provide additional input.
- The immediate Past President shall advise and aid in transition of the President’s office.
- The ASHA appointed liaisons will provide input to the Executive Board and committees of the association on relevant issues concerning their appointments.
- The university representatives will provide input to the Executive Board on relevant issues concerning their program.
- The NSSLHA representatives will provide input to the Executive Board concerning issues relevant to students.
Section 4. Filling Vacancies
- In the event of the incapacity or resignation of the President, the President-Elect shall immediately succeed in the office to complete the unexpired term, as well as the term for which he or she has been elected.
- In the event of the incapacity or resignation of any other officer, the President shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term until the next election of the Association, at which time the vacancy shall be filled.
Section 5. Term and Continuity of Office
- The terms of office of all elected officers shall be two years, except the president elect’s and president’s term which will be one year, beginning June 1st of their elected year.
- Upon completion of the President’s term, the President-Elect shall assume the office of the President.
- Any officer may be removed from office for not fulfilling their duties as outlined in the constitution by a 2/3 vote of the membership.
Section 1. Designation
- Standing Committees may be established by the vote of the majority of the Professional Members present at the business meeting of the annual convention.
- Standing Committees shall include; :Audiology Affairs Continuing Education Convention Arrangements and Program Deaf Education Elections Ethics Governmental Affairs Honors Membership Public Relations Public Schools Publications Speech Pathology Affairs
Section 2. Membership to Standing Committees
- All members of committees shall be members of this Association.
- All committees must be composed of a minimum of three (3) members of this Association. In the event that a committee has less than three members, the President shall appoint new member(s) from the association.
- Committee members shall be appointed by the President of the Association.
- Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the current or incoming President prior to June 1st.
- Committees may have Co-chairpersons.
Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees may be established by the President or the Executive Board.
Section 4. Meetings and Reports
Each committee of this Association shall be required to meet at least once a year and shall submit a report to their monitoring vice president.
Section 1. Meetings
- The convention of this Association shall be held at a time and place approved by the Executive Board. The program of each convention shall include at least one business meeting. The arrangements and program shall be approved by the Executive Board.
- The quorum for the transaction of business of this association shall be one third of the voting membership.
- All meetings of this Association, including meetings of the Executive Board, shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised in all cases to which they apply and do not conflict with the articles of this constitution.
- Special votes may be obtained by electronic means in cases where a regular Executive Board meeting can not be called in a timely manner. Voting will take place following procedures as designated in the bylaws. (Section B)
Section 2. Elections
A. Nominations
The president shall appoint a committee on nominations prior to the business meeting of the annual convention. The membership to the committee shall be approved by the Executive Board. This committee shall present, in writing, a slate of nominees for vacant or expired elected officers at the fall Executive Board Meeting each year. A nominee may be any professional member of the Association who expresses a willingness to serve, if elected.
B. Elections
Election to each office shall be by mail ballot or by electronic means to the entire professional membership of the Association, conducted and supervised by a committee appointed by the Executive Board, at such time and in such manner as to permit and require completion and counting of the balloting prior to the next annual business of the Association. The nominee for each office receiving the most votes shall be elected. In each case where a nominee withdraws from an election after the ballots have been mailed or sent by electronic means to the membership, the candidates remaining will constitute the slate of nominees, and the person with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, a separate tie breaking mail ballot or by electronic means shall be prepared by a committee so charged, and submitted to the voting members of the Executive Board. The nominee receiving the most votes in this tie breaking election shall be elected.
The annual dues of the Association for professional members, associate members, and affiliate members shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority of the Professional membership at a business meeting or by mail in or electronic voting. The membership year will be in effect from January 1st through December 31st of each calendar year. A due date and late fee will be established by the Executive Board upon recommendation of the membership committee. Any member may appeal the late fee, in writing, to the Executive Board, which may waive the late fee.
The constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of votes cast, provided that written notice of the intended amendment(s) has been given to the professional membership at least one month prior to the date of the meeting. Amendments to the constitution may also be made utilizing a mail-in ballot, or electronic means, which allows a thirty day voting period and a 2/3 majority of the returned ballots needed to pass the change.
he Association recognizes discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/gender expression, handicapped condition, or veteran status to be inconsistent with its goals, purposes, and policies and with the professional and ethical responsibilities of its members. Therefore, all programs and activities of the Association, and its responsibilities to its members and to society shall be carried out in such manner as to be consistent with and in adherence to this policy.
The Association may generate relevant policy statements to represent the opinion of the Association for dissemination. The procedure for adoption of policy statements will be followed as designated in the bylaws of the constitution. (Section B).
In 1998 a new constitution was adopted to reflect a new managerial style to provide better representation by its membership. The new officers will be elected in the spring of 1999 and will take office in June of that year. To allow for continuity the vice presidents for Membership, Public Relations and Publications, and Governmental Affairs will be elected for an initial one year term after which they will continue to be elected to two year terms and all other vice presidents will be elected for two year terms.
WVSHA Web Site
Mission Statement
The WVSHA Website is an important professional program to be used in a professional manner to better organize, manage, and promote the professional programs, activities, and goals of WVSHA.
- The web site is under the management and monitoring of the Publication Committee in coordination with other WVSHA Committees as directed by the WVSHA Executive Board.
- The Publication Committee will provide procedures and training for access and usage by other committees for their specific area on the website.
- The Publication Committee may assign one or more of its members to have complete access and management/ monitoring responsibilities
- Total access including any and all passwords will be maintained by the Publication Committee designee(s), the Vice President of Publication and Public Relations, and the WVSHA President.
- Items posted or appearing on the website will be of a professional manner only. Any item may be removed if found to be deemed nonprofessional or counter to the principles of WVSHA by a 2/3 majority vote of the WVSHA Executive Board. Executive Board Members will monitor and advise the Executive Board of any items in question.
- Advertisement(s) appearing on the website will only be professional issues or topics related to WVSHA’s stated purposes.
- The Publication Committee will be responsible for setting advertisement rates for website advertisements. All advertisements will be sold on a yearly basis from June 1st to May 31st. Advertisements sold within that time period may be prorated on a quarterly basis.
- The Publication Committee will be responsible for providing all invoices for payment of any fees related to the website to the Association Treasurer.
- The Publication Chair will be responsible for submitting budget requests on an annual basis for all costs related to the website and any recommendations about change or continuance of the website provider.
of the
Section A. Policy Statements
- Any Association member(s) or committee may generate a policy.
- The policy must first be sent to the relevant committees for review. The committee will reject or approve the policy by 2/3rds vote of the committee to be sent to the Executive Board for review.
- The Executive Board will reject or approve the policy by 2/3rds vote of the Executive Board to be sent to the membership for review.
- The approved policy will be sent to the professional membership at least 14 days prior to the date of the vote by the professional membership. If the Executive Board feels that the issue(s) need to be voted on before the fourteen days it may suspend this rule by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.
- The approved policy will be presented to the professional membership for review to reject or approve by a 2/3rd vote. The policy may be sent back to committee for revision prior to a vote with a motion and a majority vote. This vote will supersede vote on the motion to accept it. It can then be brought back to the professional membership without review.
- If the policy is accepted, the secretary will disseminate copies of the policy to Executive Board Members, the WVSHA Policy Manual, and others as designated by the Executive Board.
Section B: Electronic Voting
It is recognized that electronic voting limits the free discussion of ideas and should only be used on a very limited basis.
- If an issue(s) is discussed at a regular scheduled Executive Board Meeting, and a vote can only be taken dependent on information which can only be obtained after the meeting and the consequences of the vote will be relevant before the next regular scheduled meeting, a motion to hold an electronic vote can be presented.
- If a relevant issue needs voted on and the consequences of the vote will be relevant before the next regular scheduled meeting, any voting member of the Executive Board may contact the president who will contact all members of the board and present the issue. The president will wait 24 hours and contact the board members for a vote. The vote will be valid only if all board members have been contacted and have responded that they are aware the vote is taking place. The president will keep a written account of the motion, when individual members were contacted, and how each member voted.
- Electronic voting may be used with the Membership for votes in Elections, Policy Statements, and Constitutional changes following the timelines established for each and that provisions are made to contact members who cannot be contacted by electronic means.